SmartCAM V13: View Filters Concepts
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SmartCAM V13: Hidden / Masked Elements Concept

SmartCAM V13: View Filters Concept Introduction

View Filters

In prior versions of SmartCAM the list view always displayed all elements in the database, even masked elements which were not displayed in the graphics view. You could reduce the graphics view to a small subset of visible elements by masking, but when it came time to interact with the sequence of these elements the list view continued to display a lengthy list of all elements. There was no means to control the list view display or to force it to be synchronized with the graphics view.

With the release of v13 new display filtering capabilities have been added to provide more control over the graphics and list views. By default the system is configured to provide the same behavior as previous versions, however it is now possible to remove an entire class of elements from the display, for example Wireframe (Layer), Surfaces, or Toolpath (Step). It is also possible to remove Hidden, or Masked elements from the list view, and if desired to optionally display Masked (inactive) elements in the graphics view.

This feature provides many powerful new use cases. Following are the most significant:

  • Removing Hidden and Masked elements from the list view so the graphics and list views remain synchronized
  • Removing surfaces from the list view since CAD models often contain hundreds of surface elements and they play no role in toolpath sequence
  • Removing all Layer elements from the list view so design data does not interfere with toolpath sequencing
  • Temporarily removing toolpath elements from the graphics view so Showpath can back plot the toolpath move by move.

Using View Filters - To configure a View Filter choose the View - View Filters menu to open the View Filters dialog box, then choose which view to apply the filter to and select which elements to display. Use the Apply button to see the effect of the specified filter and choose Accept to apply the filter and close the dialog box.

Examples (rollover for caption):

View - View Filters menu and dialog box showing a List View filter configured to not display Masked and Hidden elements
View - View Filters menu and dialog box showing a List View filter configured to not display Masked and Hidden elements

List view with Hidden elements filtered from display, in this case after having chosen the new Hide Unselected command
List view with Hidden elements filtered from display, in this case after having chosen the new Hide Unselected command