SmartCAM V19.5 Turning Improvements
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SmartCAM V19.5 Turning Improvements

Several significant improvements have been made to the SmartCAM Turning applications.


Watch the "Improved Threading, Grooving and a New Parting Process in SmartCAM V19.5 Turning" Video


Improved Thread Element

The Geometry - Thread panel has been redesigned to improve ease of use, and now contains the Infeed Angle and Final Pass Depth settings previously stored in the machine SMF file. A new Outfeed Angle has been added as well as a Params button to access additional settings. The Thread Parameters dialog box contains new End Extension and Spring Pass parameters, and the depth calculation settings previously located in the machine SMF file are now available and stored with the thread element.

New Thread panel layout improves usability, and new Outfeed Angle and Final Pass Depth setting provide greater control over the threading operation.
New Thread panel layout improves usability, and new Outfeed Angle and Final Pass Depth setting provide greater control over the threading operation.
New Thread Parameters dialog includes End Extension, Spring Passes, and depth calculation settings.
New Thread Parameters dialog includes End Extension, Spring Passes, and depth calculation settings.
Threading toolpath with Outfeed Angle specified in order to withdraw tool gradually for unrelieved thread.
Threading toolpath with Outfeed Angle specified in order to withdraw tool gradually for unrelieved thread.

Additionally, it is now possible to specify an ID/OD Groove tool when creating a thread element. This capability can be used to define a thread blunting operation by using a thread element and a groove tool to remove the partial thread at the beginning of a thread.


Groove Roughing

Several new options have been added to the Groove Roughing process to reduce the number of programming steps required and provide more control.

  • Cleanup Cusps - Creates additional profiling passes to remove stair-steps of material remaining on tapered walls, chamfers, and fillets so uniform stock allowance remains for finishing.
  • Finish-to-Size - Creates additional profiling cuts to remove the specified Z and X allowances remaining after roughing, eliminating the need to use a Profile process to finish the groove. A Back-off distance can be specified in order to retract tool clear of material.
  • Reverse Progression - Reverses the groove roughing pass order so it is ordered opposite of the default, which is established by the tool orientation setting.
  • New Thread Parameters dialog includes End Extension, Spring Passes, and depth calculation settings.
    New Cleanup Cusps, Finish to Size, and Reverse Progression options in Grove Parameters dialog box.
    Tapered groove plunge steps removed by Cleanup Cusps option, and finish allowance removed by Finish to Size option.
    Tapered groove plunge steps removed by Cleanup Cusps option, and finish allowance removed by Finish to Size option.

    Groove Feature

    The Geometry - Groove panel can now be used to define a groove element on a layer. When defining a groove element on layer, the machining parameters are unavailable, and a new Orientation option allows the groove to be placed in ID, OD, or face positions. The groove element appears in the list view as a Groove Feature. Groove features can be used as input to other Turn Rough processes for toolpath generation, for example Groove Rough. This capability allows groove profiles to be defined simply using the familiar groove element panel, but allows them to be machined using the more advanced capabilities provided by processes, for example with pecking in the Groove Roughing process.

    Creating groove feature on layer using new Oriention option.
    Creating groove feature on layer using new Orientation option.
    Groove Rough toolpath with pecking generated from Groove Feature element on layer.
    Groove Rough toolpath with pecking generated from Groove Feature element on layer.

    Parting Process

    A new Parting process allows cut-off operations to be defined parametrically without the need to construct additional geometry. A corner break chamfer or radius can be applied to the part and/or bar, and additional options for depth pecking and controlling a parts catcher are also provided. This new feature saves time and improves accuracy compared to previous methods used to manually define cut-off operations.

    New parting process defines cut-off toolpath parametrically, including part or stock edge breaks.
    New parting process defines cut-off toolpath parametrically, including part or stock edge breaks.
    Options for depth pecking and controlling a parts catcher are provided in the Parting Parameters dialog box.
    Options for depth pecking and controlling parts catcher are provided in the Parting Parameters dialog box.
    Parting toolpath with chamfer on back side of part.
    Parting toolpath with chamfer on back side of part.