SmartCAM v2024 Functionality ImprovementsIn v2024 some enhancements were made to the Job Operations, cluster punch cusomization and surface display. Job Operations Planner ManagerThe window is now resizable, data in the grid can be sorted more easily and colum headers are completely customizable! Double-clicking on a grid row opens the Edit window for the selected Step or Tool. Double-clicking in an empty area of the grid will open the Add window, for adding a new Step or Tool. Verification EnhancementsSticky Stock/Fixture Icons: Verification's Stock (Material Removal) and Fixture buttons will remember their state during the current SmartCAM session. Export STL Models and PNG Images from Verification: New Save As button allows export to the current in-process stock model as a binary or ASCII STL format model file. File - Copy Image Works with Verification: When you pause Verification, or it gets to the end of the simulation, you can now use File - Copy Image and capture the current graphics screen with the tool simulation/material removal display. Cluster Punch Custom Tool Graphics Support: It is also now possible to define a cluster punch Custom Tool Graphics (CTG) file to be displayed in the Edit Tool preview window and used during verification. Surface Display Related Improvements: Previously, in order to display surfaces, they need to be tessellated; split up into a very large number of small triangles and aspects of this activity have been parallelized. Now, instead of handling each surface, in order, one after the other; SmartCAM takes advantage of your CPU's multiple cores and logical processors to process several surfaces simultaneously. This results is a fairly significant performance increase!
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