Printing Graphics to Scale
Technote 156
Product: All Applications
Date: 09/97
Version: 8x up to v15.6
Desired results are not achieved when attempting to print graphics to a 1=1 scale within SmartCAM applications.
Note: The Print Graphics functionality in SmartCAM v16.x has been changed. This technical
bulletin does not apply to these releases.
When using Print Graphics, the following error conditions are encountered:
- 2713: Current view will not fit with the specified margin/scale. Reduce the margins or decrease the scale.
- 2711: Invalid margin: The margins are too small for the specified printer.
Understand how "Print Graphics" works in SmartCAM and work within these conventions.
Topics covered in this technical bulletin:
Conventions to be considered when printing graphics to scale
- When printing graphics, SmartCAM is considering the X axis in the current graphic view.
- The margin adjustment in the SmartCAM Print Graphics dialog box is setting
the margin between the current printed graphic view and the edge of the paper used by the printer.
- If the size of the paper used is 8-1/2" W by 11" L, and the margins in
the Print Graphics dialog are set to .5" (left, right, top and bottom), the printing area for a 1:1
scale is limited to 7-1/2" inches across the X axis on the screen. Geometry plus blank space in the CURRENT
graphic view must be considered. The 7-1/2" limit for 1:1 printing is true regardless of the paper orientation
being set to landscape or portrait.
- When the printing to scale is reduced from 1:1, the graphic area printed is reduced
proportionality to the model.
- The printing area may be slightly increased by decreasing margins in the Print
Graphics dialog to less than .5". The amount margins can be decreased successfully without receiving the
"2711 error" is dependent on the capabilities of your printer driver.
- If the total distance across the screen in the CURRENT view exceeds 7-1/2" (with
margins set at .5"), the error message "2713" will result.
- Units for your operation system must match the units of the model when attempting to
print 1:1. To change the Windows Measuring system, go to the Control Panel / Regional Settings / Number (tab) /
Measurement system. Change the input to
or Metric
and click on OK.
- If you are printing in
and the Windows Regional settings are set
to Metric
, the resulting error: "2711: Invalid margin: The margins are too small for the specified
printer" will be displayed.
Printing U.S. (Inch)
Set Windows "Regional Settings" to "U.S."
- In SmartCAM, open File - Print Graphics.
- Set margins to 0.5 for Left, Right, Top, and Bottom.
(Margins may be reduced if allowed by your printer driver. Experimentation is required to determine what will
work. Use File - Keep Defaults to preserve the settings that work for you)
- Enter Scale "1" for 1:1. For reduced scale, enter decimal equivalent or fraction (example, .75 or 3/4).
- Select Printer and paper size (usually Letter for 8-1/2 x 11").
- Click on Accept.
If error #2713 results, use SmartCAM's Utility - Measure to determine the distance across the
axis of the current viewing area. If the distance is greater than 7-1/2", use SmartCAM's
View - Window to reduce the graphic area of the current view.
Printing Metric
Set Windows "Regional Settings" to "Metric"
- In SmartCAM, open File - Print Graphics.
- Set margins to 25.4 (adjusted down to 12.7) for Left, Right, Top, and Bottom.
(Margins may be reduced if allowed by your printer driver. Experimentation is required to determine what will
work. Use File - Keep Defaults to preserve the settings that work for you)
- Enter Scale "25.4" for 1:1. For reduced scale, enter decimal equivalent or fraction (example, .75 or 3/4).
- Select Printer and paper size (try A4 or "Letter Small" depending upon printer driver).
- Click on Accept.
If error #2713 results, use SmartCAM's Utility - Measure to determine the distance across the
axis of the current viewing area. If the distance is greater than 7-1/2" (190.5mm), use SmartCAM's
View - Window to reduce the graphic area of the current view.
Additional Tips
- Use Utility - Measure to measure the distance across the (X axis) of the current graphic view.
This will give you an idea of how much the margins need to be reduced or if you need to zoom in closer to
the model.