SmartCAM Technical Bulletin
Predator Editor doesn't launch from the Icon bar

Technote 205
Date: 02/05
Product: All
Version: v12.x and up

Predator CNC Editor for SmartCAM is not launching, when the SmartCAM Predator Editor tool bar icon is clicked.

The default application Icon bar includes a Predator Editor for SmartCAM icon. This icon launches the Predator CNC Editor and loads the current Code file (if one exists). An assumption is made that the Predator Editor for SmartCAM is installed in the default location. If this is not the case, then complete the following steps to resolve the problem.

The default path is also based on a 32-bit operating system, the installation path for a 64-bit version of Windows is different. The default path shown is for SmartCAM v17 - the path for other version of Predator CNC Editor for SmartCAM will vary.

  1. Open <SmartCAM path>\SHARED\SYSMCL\PEDITOR.MCL in a text editor.

    This is the SmartCAM macro that runs the editor, it is a text file. It can be edited with any text editor, such as Predator Editor for SmartCAM or Notepad.

    To find the location where your PEDITOR.MCL resides, see Technical Bulletin 244: How Do I Find My INI Files. The INI file location is in the same folder tree as the SHARED\SYSMCL folder. Once you change to where the INI files reside, simply back up the tree one folder to see the SHARED folder.

  2. Locate the line '#EPath="C:\\Program Files\\Predator Software\\Editor 9.0\\PEditor.exe"'
  3. Change the path to match where you installed the Editor.

Change the path contained between the two quotes to the actual location of PEditor.exe. Remember to use double-quotes around the path string and to use double slashes to separate paths.

When changing the path, do not forget to leave the PEditor.exe, executable name, at the end of the path.

Save the macro file. You are done.