There is no server code, or the server code has changed for my installation
Technote 208
Date: 03/05
Product: All
Version: v12.x and Up
The License Key tool and my key request file shows no server code or a different server code, what should I do?
New Windows operating systems have a built-in function called DHCP Media Sense that allows it to detect when the machine
is connected to a network and will turn off the network card when it is not. If you have multiple network cards (an on
board and a wireless, for example) the system may see one or the other depending on how you are connected and turn off
the inactive card. Disabling Media Sense will ensure that all network cards remain on and provide a stable server code.
Microsoft has published a bulletin on their Knowledge Base that can be found here:;en-us;282599
The knowledge base article explains DHCP Media Sense and how to properly disable it.
If you are not comfortable editing your Registry you can download, save and run this program: