SmartCAM Technical Bulletin

CAM Connection and SET files

Technote 210
Date: 05/05
Product: All, CAM Connection
Version: All

How do I use SET files with CAM Connection or with my SmartCAM application?

NOTE: Be sure to set the Overwrite options to off. In CAM Connection select File - Preferences and de-select Overwrite Files Without Notice.

Setup files specify various settings or values used to translate a file. Information contained in a setup file includes the type of input file and the units (inch or metric) to use. Setup files can also be saved and used again, so you don't have to specify these options each time you translate the same types of files.

Setup files also store detailed information about the translation options. Any setting specified in any of the Edit menus are saved by the setup file.

You can create different setup files for each of the translation types you perform most frequently. To perform a particular type of translation, simply specify the setup file that contains the appropriate option settings. To save changes to the setup file, save it before exiting the application - Save Setup As.

For example if you have a customer that provides CAD files to you that translate best with certain settings, you can make these settings in CAM Connection and then Save Setup As and name it with this customers name. Do this for your other customers flavors and whenever you recieve data from a particular customer, simply select the customers SET file. These SET files can be selected from CAM Connection, or from your applications Import panel.