SmartCAM v14.5+ Licensing - Questions and Answers
Technote 211
Product: All
Version: v12.x and Up
Questions about SmartCAM product licensing.
If you have not done so, please download and read the Installation Guide found at the top of the Customer
Download page, or a copy of it can be found here:
SmartCAM Install Guide
Why do I get the following error message?
How can I tell if the system server code has changed?
There is no system server code, what do I do?
The server code is different all of the sudden, what do I do?
How do I send in a request for new long-term license keys?
How do I contact SmartCAMcnc Key Administration for SmartCAM Licensing issues?
Why do I get the following error message?
If any of the following things has happened to the computer that SmartCAM is installed on, the
system server code will have changed. You will need to request new license keys from
SmartCAMcnc if:
- Computer crash causing you to reformat your hard drive
- Replacing your network card
- Changing the name of your computer (Host ID)
- Upgrading your computers operating system (for example: upgraded your operating system
from Windows® 2000 to Windows® XP)
- Moving your SmartCAM application from an old PC to a new PC.
How can I tell if the system server code has changed?
Open the SmartCAM License Manager. Compare the the system server code at the top of the
"Enter License Key" form with system server code that is on your long-term key
- To open the SmartCAM License Key utility, go to All Programs, SmartCAMv14 and select License Manager V14.
Note that "SmartCAMv14" is for version 14, other versions include the version number in the
folders and filenames as well; i.e., SmartCAMv15 and License Manager v15, etc.
- Click on Key then Enter License Keys to bring up this form.
- Compare the System Server Code shown in this window with the System Server Code that is on the
long-term license key sent to you the last time you requested long-term keys. If the numbers are
different, you will need to submit a new Long-Term License Key Request to SmartCAMcnc.
There is no system server code or the server code has changed, what do I do?
There is either no network card installed on your computer, or 'Media Sense' has turned off one or more of your
existing network cards.
- A network card is required for SmartCAM licensing. Please see System Requirements here:
SmartCAM System Requirements
Or if you have not done so, please download and read the SmartCAM Installation Guide found at the
top of the Customer Download page, or a copy of it can be found here:
SmartCAM Install Guide
- If your computer has a network card but is not connected to a network, it is likely that your
system is using Media Sense to turn off your inactive network card. If you have multiple network
cards (an on board and a wireless, for example) the system may see one or the other depending on
how you are connected. Disabling Media Sense will ensure that all network cards remain on and provide
a stable server code. Please see this technical bulletin about how to turn off Media Sense:
Information about Media Sense
How do I send in a request for new long-term license keys?
Fill out the information in the Create Key Request Form from the SmartCAM License Manager.
After completing the form, click the OK button. This will save a key request file to your computers
hard drive noted in the Name field. Use this file to upload or attach on the SmartCAMcnc Key
Request website.
- Use the Windows Start menu, and open the SmartCAM License Manager for your version of the product.
- Click on Key, then Create Key Request Form. Starting with SmartCAM v15 you
can click on the Create Key Request Form button on the main License Manager screen.
The Create Key Request Form screen design varies, depending upon release, but generally looks as follows:

- Fill out the Generate Request Form. Please enter the email address (A) of the person that is to recieve the
key. Be sure that the SmartCAM products you have purchased and installed are added to the "Requested Products"
field (C). Click on the Save Form button to save the request file.
Refer to the SmartCAM Installation Guide for information tailored to your SmartCAM release.
- Browse to the SmartCAMcnc website ( and select License Keys
on the banner menu. Follow the instructions given on the website. You will need to update the Request Form
that you generated in earlier steps.
- Please add a brief explanation as to why you are requesting a new license key; i.e., hard drive crash,
new computer, etc; to the email in the
Notes / Special Instructions
box of the Check Out page.
Follow this link to submit a support request.