SmartCAM Technical Bulletin
Machine Define is giving a "Cannot find *.TRN" file error

Technote 212
Date: 07/05
Product: Machine Define
Version: v12.x

Machine Define displays the error: Cannot find C:\SM9\shared\[app].trn. Where [app] is a description of the type of machine the SMF file is for.

Check your smartcam.ini and machdef.ini files located in your Windows directory. The INI files should point to the v12 install area. The default area is C:\Program Files\SmartCAM\SmartCAMv12\

In the C:\windows\smartcam.ini file under [Defaults] check that your path lines looks like this:

SmartCAMPath=C:\Program Files\SmartCAM\SmartCAMv12\

And in the C:\windows\machdef.ini file under [defaults] check that your path line looks like this:

desfname=C:\Program Files\SmartCAM\SmartCAMv12\SHARED\WMDEF.DES