Questions and Answers about Licensing of SmartCAM v14.3 and earlier
Technote 50
Product: All Products
Version: Up to v14.3
Questions and Answers about SmartCAM Licensing
Question: Why do I get the following error message?
Question: How can I tell if the system server code has changed?
Question: How do I send in a request for new long-term license keys?
Question: What are the system requirements for version 11?
Question: How do I contact SmartCAMcnc Key Administration for SmartCAM Licensing issues?
Why do I get the following error message?
If any of the following things have happened to the computer that SmartCAM is installed on, the "system
server code" will have changed. You will need to request new license keys from SmartCAMcnc if:
- Computer crash required reformat of hard drive
- Upgrade of operating system
- Moving SmartCAM applications to a new computer
How can I tell if the system server code has changed?
Open the SmartCAM License Administrator. Compare the system server code at the top of the "Modify"
form with the system server code shown on your long-term key documentation.
- To open the SmartCAM License Administator utility, click on the License Key icon:
- Click on "Key" then "Modify" to open the "Modify License Key" form.
- Compare the System Server Code shown in this window with the System Server Code that is on the
long-term key sent to you the last time you requested long-term keys. If the numbers are different, you
will need to submit a new Long-Term License Key Request to SmartCAMcnc.
How do I send in a request for new long-term license keys?
Fill out the information in the "Generate Request Form" from the SmartCAM License Administator.
After completing the form, click on the OK button. This will save a file named "reqform.txt".
Upload this file on the SmartCAMcnc Key Request website.
- To open the SmartCAM License Key utility, click on the License Key icon:

- Click on "Key" then "Create" to bring up the "Generate Request Form."

- Fill out the Generate Request Form. Be sure that the SmartCAM products you have purchased and
installed are added to the "Requested Products" field. Click on the OK button to save
the file "reqform.txt".
- Use Windows Explorer to find "reqform.txt". If you are not sure where to look, open the
Windows Start menu and select Search, then "Find All Files or Folders." Type the file name
"reqform.txt" (without the quotes) in the filename file and click Search.
- When the file is found, note the location. This is the file to be uploaded on the Key Requests
web page.
- Open the SmartCAMcnc website (, select "License Keys" on
the website banner menu. Follow the displayed instructions for requesting the keys and uploading
the file.
- Please add a brief explaination about why you are requesting a new license key; for example:
hard drive crash, new computer, etc. Add this to the "Notes / Special Instructions"
box on the Check Out page.
What are the system requirements for version 11?
Version 11's system requirements are:
How do I contact SmartCAMcnc Key Administrator for SmartCAM Licensing issues?
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